I have known Georgy for many years - we actually went to high school together. But there is a very big difference between going to school together and being friends, isn't there? Georgy and I reconnected during the year we both became mothers. It turned out that we shared many interests and had a similar passion for raising our beautiful children.

Georgy has taken many, many (I'd say it'd be up around the thousands of) photos for me and my family. She was even present at the birth of my third daughter, Iris, and photographed her first moments of life. I remember her beautiful birth like it was yesterday - I got to sit around at 2am with my husband and friends (Georgy & my wonderful midwife, Jo) and chat, and laugh. And just have a truly great time.

To say that Georgy is a special person in my life is an understatement. She is treasured.

So, I wanted to make her a film. A beautiful film. I wanted it for be for her, and for her children. Something for them all to remember how wonderful life really is. All the beauty, the mess, the chaos, the tears. It's all beautiful and wonderful, and so heartbreakingly real.

This film captures Georgy at home with her husband, her three gorgeous children, and their dog Normy. They jumped on the trampoline while the last of the days autumn sunshine flooded my lens. They built train tracks. They laughed, the kids cried. They picked flowers and whispered tiny promises of love.

It's beautiful and I loved making it so, so much. What a beautiful mother she is.

a Documentary of [your Beautiful] Life

Kind words

Ohhh LIV!!!! Literally crying over here!! This is just so beyond special, I know I will adore looking back at this and how special it is every single time I watch it, and over the years I know the kids will just find these magic memories so magical and priceless. I cannot thank you enough, like, this is just so so valuable and beautiful. You are SO clever, I love all the detail you have captured and the light. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! - Georgy