The Birth of Frankie -

"Birth is without a doubt one of life's most beautiful, sacred and extraordinary rites of passages bringing with it profound feelings of empowerment, so to have Olivia there as our birth photographer to capture such a, what a gift that was. Something I just cannot put a price to. After two beautiful water births, and deciding to have a home bight this time around, hiring a birth photographer for our third was something I knew would be incredibly special.

Prior to booking Olivia, I did go back and forth wondering whether I should have a birth photographer present, my mind consumed with a string of questions like, how will I time it? Maybe I want less people at the birth? What if she doesn't make it? Maybe my labour won't progress and then I've wasted her time? Thankfully I settled my overactive mind, convincing myself that this would be something I treasured forever and gosh was I right. Olivia, with her gentle, calming presence, somehow managed to capture every stage of labour - every emotion, every expression, every position and every moment we all experienced that day. The day was utterly beautiful and one of the best days of my life, and Olivia has captured it perfectly, She is truly talented in her craft. The surges, the rushes, the elation of our daughter entering the world and our eldest two meeting her shortly after, were all captured so naturally and perfectly.

When talking about our little girl's birth story to loved ones, I have delighted in sharing our entire birth gallery and being able to explain each moment through photograph, always with a smile and a tear along the way. Olivia came into our birth space that day not just as our birth photographer, but as another support person, being there for myself and my husband, sharing stories with us and even bringing me tea. I will be forever thankful that Olivia was able to capture our birth story and to her young family and her husband for enabling her to be with us that day.

If you are thinking of having your birth photographed, don't think about it, just do it. No matter where you intend to give birth, no matter how you intend on giving birth, capture this moment...this life changing, empowering moment. You won't regret it. I certainly won't. My only regret is that my path with Olivia didn't cross earlier and the births of our first two children could've been photographed like this."

  • Ashley

The Birth of Connor -

"There are many big decisions you make in the lead up to birthing your baby, and the best one I made was inviting Olivia into my birth space. I didn't need anything or anyone, I was in the comfort of my own home, in a sacred space inside my head, intuitively birthing my baby, while Olivia captured raw moments I now treasure and hold so close to my heart.

Olivia's presence is gentle, support is unwavering and she has the unique ability to blend into your birth bubble. The style of Olivia's photos are candid and heartwarming and there are no words I could write to express how grateful I am for them.

I decided very late in my pregnancy to hire a photographer and the only regret I have is not hiring Olivia earlier. Olivia's love and passion for birth is exactly what birthing parents need in their corners. She is respectful of your birthing space and I couldn't recommend her enough. I'm already dreaming about the magic she will capture at my next birth."

  • Demi

The Birth of Ari -

"Olivia is like having an ethereal, poised birthing cheerleader quietly capturing your moments of triumph bringing your baby earth side. The resulting photographs are absolute soul food and I am forever grateful I entrusted Olivia to capture the magic of birth for me."

  • Emma